Yoga Journey Day 1
My Yoga Journey
I found yoga about a two and a half years ago.
I had found myself in a funk. I had done Crossfit, Bootcamp classes, played organized sports, swam, and nothing really motivated me anymore. I still loved all the classes and had enjoyed them all, I was just looking for something different.
I had started taking online expressive art therapy courses and all of them spoke about meditation and the importance of expression and a lot of them referred to yoga practices. So I decided to try it. (Practice what you preach)

I started at Love Yoga in Cornwall, Ontario. They had a variety of classes and very kind instructors. I instantly fell in love with how I felt after the classes. I felt awakened, as though I could sense more of the beauty around me. I also discovered how much I loved different types of yoga. Realizing that some days my body craved long poses or that it wanted to be energized.
However, working and making it to classes wasn't always possible so I went in search of yoga that I could do at home.
Do Yoga with Me
Do Yoga with Me is a great site. It has a variety of free videos for each type of yoga. Moreover, it has excellent videos for beginners. I was able to learn proper techniques for breathing and sitting.
Yoga with Adriene
Yoga with Adriene is another one of my go to's! Her personality makes you feel like you're doing yoga with a friend. She has lots of videos for when you're stressed, sore, or just need a morning wake up.
Yoga with Franny
Yoga with Franny doesn't have as many videos to choose from but it does combine yoga with a Bootcamp for those who want to get fit or just want to get their blood pumping. She is a local Cornwallian sharing some awesome yoga with the world. Franny also does classes every Sunday at Crossfit Cornwall to help them get their stretches in too.
Of course there are tons of different videos out there. So please share your favourites below. I would love to try them out!
Of course, there are tons of different videos out there. So please share your favorites below. I would love to try them out!

Love Yoga
Of course, there are tons of different videos out there. So please share your favorites below. I would love to try them out! s, some of them have taken to social media, using it as a platform to host classes or meditation sessions.
Spirit Tree Yoga
Spirit Tree Yoga is also found in the Cornwall Area. They too offer a variety of classes. They have been posting small videos on their Facebook page to give people tools to cope with stress.
Day 2 of Quarantine
It's only day two and the walls were starting to weigh on me this morning. So I decided to complete a video from Do Yoga with Me to help kick start my day.
I choose to complete a Vinyasa Yoga workout which means your breath is synchronized with your movements (Can also be referred to as flow). I find this type of class wakes me up and energizes me.
And did it ever! I instantly felt better and more charged!
Check out the video below and try it. Let me know what you think!
(It does say beginner but I found some of it tough.. do what you can!)