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Yoga and Expressive Arts Therapy Course

Yay! I submitted my final paper for my Yoga and Expressive Arts Therapy Course with the Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute.

The course explained Expressive Arts Therapy and how it can be used in Trauma-Informed Practices and then went one step further to explain how Yoga and body-based approaches can be used in collaboration with Expressive Art Therapy.

Before taking this course, I sort of had a Yoga practice. I went as often as I could but I was not dedicated to it. When the world shut down, I had promised myself that I would take a new course and fully dedicate myself to my yoga practice. Since then I have learned more about the benefits of yoga and how it could help my overall health and wellbeing. Since March 21, I have seen a dramatic change in how I feel. By doing yoga that suits your body and your level of comfort you can build strength, become more mindful and be more aware.

As much as this was for myself, it was also something that I hope can translate into the rest of my life. I work with students on a day to day basis and I realized how much could be brought into the classroom as tools to help students. By building a safe environment, building on strong and healthy relationships, and ensuring cultural diversity students can find somewhere they want to be. Changing the language, and inviting them to try new things, gives them choice and autonomy. And finally, by introducing small tools like breathing exercises, mindful practices, discussion circles, students are able to build their sense of self and a sense of community.

All of these things take time. But I feel as though this course not only taught me new things but also reminded me of the important little things I had forgotten.

It regrounded me.

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