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Yoga Journey Day 2

I missed yesterday's yoga journey... oops. Everyone has those days. However, I promised myself I would make it to the mat today.

I decided to start with an hour's workout. I started a 14 day trial for the 80-day obsession. I needed to improvise using what I had around the house because I didn't have proper weights.

I ended up using a brick for weight, a milk crate as a step, and an anchor for deadlifts and rows. Luckily I had bands, and yoga mat, and yoga blocks.

After my hour workout, which felt great! I decided I would hop right into yoga. I want to practice calming my mind and body after doing vigorous activity or being super busy.

I chose to complete a yoga video from Yoga with Adriene. I think I will work on completing her Home series, which is 30 days long. I started with the first video: Recognize. The video focuses on recognizing where in your body you feel tight. Additionally, it makes you focus on the smaller details of your practice.

After my hour workout, which felt great! I decided I would hop right into yoga. I want to practice calming my mind and body after doing a vigorous activity or being super busy.

Even though I've only done two days of yoga in the last three days I'm already starting to sense a change in how I feel. I feel more energized, in less pain, and I am gaining my flexibility back. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Take time for yourself!


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